Tuesday, October 27, 2009

be nice and donate,

ok, this is taking up a lot of my time. wanna see some more banned video shit, hook a motherfucker up. donate some change or something. my time is worth at least that. be nice and donate. anything i get goes towards prizes for the community, thank you.


Anonymous said...

You Got Suspended! Activision Got You

XBL F1sTDaCuFFs aka TGB F1sT said...

nah, g4tv got me suspended.

Anonymous said...

Hit ne w/ ur paypal info and i'll leave a small donation for the cause.



XBL F1sTDaCuFFs aka TGB F1sT said...

the donate button is to the left

Anonymous said...

lol...Maybe I should open my eyes.

Great work on ur U tube channel, btw.

Hope everything works itself out quickly.
