Wednesday, April 29, 2009
Tuesday, April 28, 2009
call of duty 4 xboxlive hack... GOD MODE.

well its pretty much gotten to a point to were infinity ward has not did anything to the game in so long that people have figured out the code and started to hex the shit out of it. if you hav'nt noticed people have been running around in god mode. calling in helos in snd destory and so on. cant be killed infinite everything. its gay. but, heres a video check it out
there are rar. files im noting going to post and or the tutorial its just stupid.
Marvel vs. Capcom 2 takes on Xbox 360, PS3

After months of speculation and rumor, Capcom today finally revealed that it is indeed planning to rerelease the arcade fighter Marvel vs. Capcom 2: New Age of Heroes as a downloadable game for the Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3. A countdown site for the game expired this evening, officially confirming that the game is on its way to the current generation of systems.
Ryu is having a very bad day.
While the game won't feature the HD Remix treatment given to Super Street Fighter II Turbo last year, it will include one notable extra in the form of online multiplayer. In fact, Capcom said Marvel vs. Capcom 2 on the Xbox 360 and PS3 will feature "the same great online experience" from that title and will have the same visuals as the original game. None of the game's previous North American releases (PlayStation 2, Xbox, and Dreamcast) included online multiplayer, although at one time the feature was originally announced for the Xbox edition. Additional tweaks include an optional visual filter to hide some of the game's blemishes in high definition and a "quarter match" online mode that allows a group of four spectators to chat while two others fight it out.
The game isn't set for release until this summer, but PS3 owners won't need to wait that long to put it through its paces. A Marvel vs. Capcom 2 demo is set to hit the PlayStation Network this Thursday. The sample includes six characters (Ryu, Chun Li, Strider, Spider-Man, Iron Man, and Wolverine), six backgrounds, and options to play local or online multiplayer matches.
Last October, the Entertainment Software Rating Board added the Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3 to the list of consoles for which it rated the title. That was followed up last month by a public acknowledgment from Capcom vice president of strategic planning Christian Svensson that Marvel vs. Capcom 2 was its most requested title for an HD Remix, adding that it "would be great to do."
When it arrives this summer, Marvel vs. Capcom 2 will sell for $14.99 (1,200
Microsoft points).
Monday, April 27, 2009
Pussy ass Konami! cancels Six Days in Fallujah
what a fucken bitch move bye konmai, here are these guys who bust there ass to build a whole new engine and get all this info on a real battle from marines who were actually there. then fold to maybe a handful of fucken cry babies. wow, ive seen shitter games some how get made and published. but, when you have a good game that has some truth to it. i guess a little crying can get a game canceled. that is a fucken joke.
Saturday, April 18, 2009
How to get Modern warfare 2 beta 8-21 to 8-27-09 first wave and beyond.

Unfortunately, the setting is about all that's known about COD4. No details--including platforms--were revealed to the press. Instead of issuing the typical press release, Activision has decided to unveil the game via a trailer that will be shown during the NFL Draft on ESPN at (10 a.m. PDT /1 p.m. EDT) this Saturday April 28.
Although Activision is holding back on the details of COD4, its announcement was not unexpected. This month, gamers were tipped off to the unveiling of something on developer Infinity Ward's Web site. The tease came just over a year after the first rumors about a modern-day Call of Duty first surfaced in the gaming press.
This was all a year two years ago for basically they released the opening date for the website. if its any predictions for the next website. it should be going to happen any time from april 19-24.. this is important., if you want beta and you want it now then you better be ready to join as soon as it opens. they usually kick the new website by advertising a commercial on nfl draft. there you even might see the new trailer with more details mostly i would assume single player only.

beta, is determined mostly by seniority if your one of the first person to be registered on then you will mostly likely make first wave. well what is frst wave if your a noob. this means., iw likes to show respect to its followers of the game so, if your registered first they'll send you an email like this CLICK ON Image to make bigger

Saturday, April 11, 2009
new battelfield 2 type game comming to xbox ARMA 2
this game is much future then flashpoint 2 and basically leaves off where dice decided to change the game to what . we sure and hell dont know. but, this and flashpoint 2 look promising. check it.
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